How long does it take to index a website?


If your website is not indexing on Google or you want to learn about fixing indexing issues on your website, then this blog article is for you. Website indexing is important to getting your site ranking on search engines. So if something is blocking this, it is important to get it fixed. Read on.

understanding indexing

Before we answer the question, “how long does it take to index a website?” we must first understand what indexing is. In simple terms, indexing is the process by which search engines like Google organise information. They do this by crawling through web pages or files, analysing their content, and then storing this information in an ‘index.’ This index serves as a giant library that helps search engines retrieve relevant results quickly when users perform searches.

How to check website indexing

To check if your website is indexed by a search engine, simply:

  • Enter “” into the browser search bar.
  • A series of results will show. These are the pages that are indexed by the search engine.
  • You can also use Google Search Console > Pages. Or Bing Webmaster Tools > Site Explorer.

Look through the pages displayed to make sure the core pages such as home, services and blog pages are showing.

indexing in search engine

How Long Does It Take to Index Files?

The time it takes to index files depends on several factors such as the size of the file, its complexity, and the system’s processing power used for indexing. For instance, smaller files can be indexed within seconds or minutes while larger ones may take hours or even days.

Moreover, if a file contains complex data structures or formats (like PDFs with embedded images), it may take longer to index than simple text files. Lastly, more powerful systems can process and index files faster than older or less capable ones.

    How long does it take to index a website?

    When it comes to websites, the time taken for indexing varies. A new website might be indexed within days or weeks after launch. However, this timeline for a website to be fully indexed by a search engine can change based on several factors:

    • Website size: larger websites with more pages may take longer to be fully indexed compared to smaller ones. Each page on a website is treated as a separate file by search engines, and each must be crawled to be indexed. Although you don’t necessarily want all pages indexed and you can prioritise important pages.
    • SEO optimisation: well-optimised websites get indexed faster. This includes proper use of keywords, meta tags, alt tags, and having a sitemap that guides search engines through your site.
    • Quality of content: well-designed, optimised websites with high-quality, unique content gets indexed faster than low-quality or duplicated content. Search engines prioritise websites that provide value and are relevant to users.
    • Website updates: Regularly updated websites are crawled more frequently, leading to quicker indexing.
    • Backlinks: Websites with more backlinks (links from other sites) are seen as more credible and are therefore indexed faster.
    indexing in search engines

    my website is not indexed by google

    Why is Google not indexing my site? This is a common question and there could be several reasons why Google is not indexing your site:

    • Blocked: Ensure the Robots.txt file isn’t disallowing important website pages.
    • Structure: Ensure your site has a simple structure and the content is a maximum of three clicks away.
    • Unique: Ensure you don’t have duplicate content on pages.
    • Tech issues: Fix broken links or slow-loading pages.
    • New domain: Bear in mind that new sites with a new domain name will take time to be indexed.
    • Penalties: Check you have not been penalised by Google.
    indexing search engines


    Maybe it’s because of a new domain or a newly launched website.
    • Try resubmitting your sitemap to the Google Search Console tool.
    • Also, check for any errors stopping Google or other search engines to crawl.
    • Request indexing your website to other search engines like Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, etc.
    • Because YouTube is the second biggest search engine, it is worth creating content with a post and URL pointing back to a page you want to index. YouTube gets updated more frequently than Google, so this could help index more quickly.
    indexing search engines

    how to speed up google indexing

    Maybe it’s because of a new domain or a newly launched website.
    • Try resubmitting your sitemap to the Google Search Console tool.
    • Also, check for any errors stopping Google or other search engines to crawl.
    • Request indexing your website to other search engines like Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, etc.
    • Because YouTube is the second biggest search engine, it is worth creating content with a post and URL pointing back to a page you want to index. YouTube gets updated more frequently than Google, so this could help index more quickly.

    Also read the blog: 7 tips on indexing in search engines and how to speed up the indexing process ⤵️

    speed up the indexing process


    In conclusion, the time it takes to index files or a website depends on various factors such as size, complexity, quality of content, SEO optimisation, and frequency of updates among others. While you cannot control all these factors (like the size of your website), there are steps you can take (like SEO optimisation) that can significantly reduce the time it takes for your files or website to get indexed. Remember that while getting indexed quickly is important for visibility in search results, maintaining high-quality content and a user-friendly website should be your primary focus. After all, the ultimate goal is not just to be seen, but to provide relevant value to your visitors.


    If you don’t have the time to look into indexing your website, then as an SEO experts, I can help.

    Read about Jess’ story of being invisible online here, what she did about it and the results she is now getting.

    Book a call and enquire on getting a Website Audit Report, Session and Roadmap of next steps.

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    Jess was invisible online

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