A mean, lean, lead-generating machine

Getting more website leads is the number one goal for most service-based businesses. After all, why wouldn’t you want to use your website to magnetically attract your ideal customer to you, rather than having to go out and find them.

An under-performing website has so much potential to achieve consistent website leads from organic traffic.


Understand the journey I take you on and my unique methodology to get you to your destination…


To go from an underperforming website to one that is bringing consistent website leads is possible. But there is a journey that I take you on with specific steps.

1. Audit

First, you need to understand how your website is performing. By benchmarking its performance using metrics, you can then start to look at the gaps to improve it. The good thing about doing a website audit is that you can make some initial quick wins and see improvements straight away. Understanding what is going on under the hood of your website to ensure that your pages are being discovered by Google are the important foundations.

2. the problem you solve

After sorting some initial quick wins and optimising your current content, you can then start to organise and consolidate things. This includes researching your ideal customer, keywords and your competitors so that your services can be crafted around the problems they are encountering. Aligning this with the correct keywords is important to getting more traffic to your website. Having a content plan is also an important part of this step so that you organise your existing content and have a plan for new content to create.

3. research

It’s time to start bringing things alive, from your content plan and then to write converting copy that will appeal to your ideal customer. The right landing pages to showcase your services, and the best blogs to answer a problem will all help towards increasing your visibility online and getting trust from both Google and your ideal customer. Having unshakeable confidence in what you are creating and publishing is a huge part of this step.

4. consolidate with a content plan

Your content needs to be optimised so that the search engine robots can quickly crawl and index it. As well as on-site actions there are also off-site actions that will affect receiving more traffic to your website. Getting quality backlinks is one of the most important actions in SEO because this is how Google can trust you even more which will improve your domain authority.


Getting the right traffic to your website is only one part of the equation. What happens when they arrive? We want them to take the next step in their journey with you. To do this we need to ensure that the user journey and experience are simple but effective to achieve this goal. Factors such as your branding, call to action, and the journey you take them all will all affect a prospect turning into a lead. And this part involves a lot of trial and error and testing.

6. RANK + Soar

Continuing to create fresh, engaging content consistently is important to keeping your website visible. Looking at your metrics, seeing what content is performing well and what isn’t can be fed back into the process. And once you have a process of creating blogs consistently this can ease your content creation on other channels by repurposing things intelligently.


Journey to consistent website leads


First, it is about taking a step back to take a 360-degree view of your website with fresh eyes. Being so close to your business yourself makes it difficult to do that. However, strategising allows us to be more open to gaps and opportunities. You will have ideas of things you want to change. This stage gets everything out on the table in a bit mess where we can sift through and refine.


With any sorting out comes a period of organisation bringing things together and rejigging. We will look at your metrics, keywords, and content to ensure it aligns with the new strategy.


The other output from the first two phases means that your website will need to be optimised again. Optimising is just a huge part of what we need to do to make sure it is working like a well-oiled machine. Remember search engine algorithms change as well.


A huge part of your website’s success is down to trial and error and discovering what will work. If it was as simple as creating a website and making 7 figures in the first week, we would all be retired by now. So working on the conversion is critical and it comes down to TESTING or the technical term is A/B testing! We need to experiment with all the other phases and do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. And what converts now may not convert in the future. So this is always a work in process – after all a website is dynamic and always moving.

How your journey and my methodology work in harmony

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